25-30 June, 2019, Moscow
Zubovsky bulvar, 2
(Park Kultury metro, see map)
With support of
Brazilian Culture Centre
Emílio Domingos
Brasil, 2016, 73’
It’s in the barber shops in Rio’s favelas and suburbs that a new peripheric aesthetics rises and spreads itself. A meeting spot for youngsters, these barber shops have become an exchange space for such generation. Fresh Cutz enters this universe and, between scissors, razor blades and hairstyles, shows what goes through the heads of barbers and their clients.
Emílio Domingos is a filmmaker and anthropologist. As a director he made 3 feature films – Fresh Cutz (2016), Passinho Dance Off (2013) and L.A.P.A. (2008) – and 9 short films. In addition to documentary production, he also directs music videos by artists such as Marcelo Yuka, and has worked in the cinema as a researcher in films such as: Mystery of Samba (2008) and Pierre Verger (2000). Currently work in his fourth feature film, Favela É Moda.
Tretyakov Gallery
Lavrushinsky pereulok, 12
Marie Devuyst
Belgium 2016 71’
In recent years, in Walloon fields, heirloom grain seeds, ancient cereals, have reappeared. With the seasons, seeds multiply, spread and transform. People gather, and in organizing their work, a small network emerges. Producing seed and making bread then becomes an experience for everyone motivated to retrace an authentic taste and a respect for nature. From the field to the barn, from the mill to the bakery, the film tells the story of a farmer, an agronomist, a peasant baker and two millers whose paths cross, five producers of great grain and great bread.
Marie Devuyst was born in 1982 in Brussels. After a first licence in a sociocultural communication school, she decided to continue her studies in Sint-lukas, in the documentary section, where she makes her master film As long as the mine whistle. Then she directs some short films for social associations about eldness, immigration, adoption… In 2011, she came to Cameroon for a few month and co-direct with Alain Lemaitre the documentary film Road Pygmies. The Wind in the Wheat is her second professional feature-length documentary film.
Moscow House of Nationalities
Novaya Basmannaya, 4, Bld.1
Orzu Sharipov
Tajikistan, 2017 38’
The film is devoted to the relationship of the center and periphery in a crisis. Tajik village is in a crisis situation caused by a natural cataclysm: on the eve of winter the inhabitants are threatened with complete isolation. They decide to seek help from the central government. To this end, the residents of the village send a young singer to the capital. After talking with many officials, he comes to the conclusion that only one person can provide real support to his village. The young man tries to meet with the main ruler in an informal atmosphere. Thanks to his musical talent, he succeeds. At the meeting, it turns out that the center does not have the necessary resources to overcome the crisis, which suddenly reaches the capital itself. The singer returns to his village.
The role of the main ruler is performed by a professional actor; the remaining roles are played by villagers and students from villages. Making this film can be viewed as an art therapy for a rural community in a social crisis.
Orzumurod Sharipov, director, producer. Born in Dushanbe. In 1975, graduated from Tajik State Institute of Arts in Dushanbe, Department of director drama. Then he continued his studies in from the Department of the Direction the Advanced School of Cinema School for Director and Scriptwriters in Moscow. Some of his works are: Roots (1991), A Handful of the motherland (1994), Children of War (1996), Sweet, sweet home (2000), Live containers (2003), Runaways (2004), 11 000 km far from New York (2005), The spring of desires (2008), This is the high willow (2016).
Galina Rodionova, sociologist, Ph.D. in Economics, has been working in international rural development projects for over 12 years. She made her first documentary film “The Guardians” about rural musicians in 2007. She is the author of twenty films devoted mainly to rural musicians in Tajikistan.
Tretyakov Gallery
Lavrushinsky pereulok, 12
With support of Goethe Institut
Thomas Bartels
Germany, 2019, 87’
Sagan Dalja is a herb, dried leaves of a rhododendron species that grows high up in the mountains. Boiled as tea it is very stimulating. Many generations of shamans used it in their rituals to set their spirits to travel. They named it White Wings. This film is such a journey. It starts from Irkutsk bustling megacity on Lake Baikal with pedestrian zone, graffiti and street musicians and it leads out to the Tuvinian taiga. Driven by the rhythm of urban street music, railway tracks and ceremonial drums we experience the living spirits of Siberia and meet Shamans who practice their archaic rituals not only in the vast emptiness of the taiga but also in neighborhood of concrete housing blocks.
Thomas Bartels studied Fine Arts and became a freelance artist. He produces films, works as DoP and builds projecting sculptures and installations. He helt various teaching contracts for film and fine arts. Exhibitions and film recordings in Europe and abroad. He visited Russia for the first time in 1993 as guest of the festival Message to Men in St. Petersburg. Since 2018 he ist teaching at the film department of Braunschweig University of Arts.
Tretyakov Gallery
Lavrushinsky pereulok, 12
With support of
Estonian Embassy of Moscow
Liivo Niglas
Estonia, 2019, 66’
In the Tatyshlinsky District of the Bashkortostan Republic (Russia) where Udmurts live in 19 villages located close to each other, a village ceremony takes place in the beginning of June in almost every village. A week later, ten villages situated on the right bank of the Yug River hold their joint sacrificial ceremony Mör vös. For this, the priests of those villages gather to the village of Vilgurt to sacrifice a few sheep to the gods. Ritual porridge is cooked under the supervision of the priests, using the meat of the sacrificed animals and groats collected from the villagers. Part of the porridge is eaten on site during a common meal, the rest is shared between the inhabitants of all the ten villages.
Liivo Niglas is currently a research fellow at the department of ethnology in University of Tartu, Estonia. He runs an independent production company, Mp Doc, for anthropological documentary films. He has made films in Siberia, Africa, Central Asia and North America. Some of his works are: The Brigade (2000), Yuri Vella’s World (2003), Adventure High (2004), Making Rain (2007), Fish On! (2008), Itelmen Stories (2010), Journey to the Maggot Feeder (2015), The Land of Love (2016).
Tretyakov Gallery
Lavrushinsky pereulok, 12
Lisbet Holtedahl
Norway, 2017, 85’
Alhajji Ibrahim is an Islamic scholar from Ngaoundéré in Northern Cameroon. The film follows Alhajji during the last years of his life, focusing on the relationships in a polygamous family, seen from the perspective of the wives and their husband. The film (shot in years 1997-2001 and edited only now) presents a typical way of life of the societies of Borno and Adamaoua provinces (Nigeria and Cameroon) where people living far away from the capital centers, struggle to adapt to modern education, strong marginalization and increasing poverty. In recent years, the region has been under constant threat of the Boko Haram insurgency.
Lisbet Holtedahl born in 1946 in Copenhagen, educated in Oslo and Paris (history of art / anthropology). Professor of anthropology and the founding mother of the Visual Cultural Studies (VCS) Master’s programme at UiT, The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. In 1992 she created the inter-university collaborative program Ngaoundéré-Anthropos between the University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon, and UiT Tromsø. Since 1970 visual ethnographic research in Eastern Niger, Northern Norway and Northern Cameroon.
Tretyakov Gallery
Lavrushinsky pereulok, 12
Caroline Parietti, Cyprien Ponson
France – Switzerland, 2017, 85’
In Sarawak (Borneo), “the ones who live upstream” are the first affected by deforestation. The Penan, (ex) nomadic hunters, are caught in the eye of that storm: how to go on living when one’s entire world is being taken apart, when the landscape, which brought meaning to existence, literally disappears and with it language, customs and the spirits?
The film, carried by the song of those who refuse to give in, draws the lines of resistance of each one to that deadly fight. It tells of the intimate interweaving of a sweet and secret way of life with the fight which rages in the shadow of the big trees.
Caroline Parietti and Cyprien Ponson met during a master’s degree in documentary writing (CREADOC/France), after personal journeys in anthropology and community social work. Their work explores issues of memory, violence and resistance in the margins.
Tretyakov Gallery
Lavrushinsky pereulok, 12
Dipesh Kharel, Frode Storaas
Nepal-Norway, 2018, 83’
Religious boundaries are not necessarily as sharp and antagonistic as the news media lead us to believe. This film shows the everyday life inside and around a Kali temple in the city of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. The temple building houses a Kali shrine and a smaller Hanuman shrine, and visitors to the site present offerings in both. Through a closer presentation of a priest and three devotees, the film shows why this temple is so important to them. Yet they also occasionally visit holy places of other religious traditions, whether to learn or seek additional divine support. The film is thus a silent critique against the obsession with religious conflict in contemporary debates. God is one, the religions are made by humans, as the priest concludes in the film.
Dipesh Kharel is a visual ethnographer and filmmaker and has a post-doctoral fellowship at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan. He has already produced several award-wining ethnographic films, notably A Life with Slate (2006) and Playing with Nan (2012) and Tama Gaun (2015) those have been screened at more than 60 international film festivals around the world and won several prizes.
Frode Storaas is a professor in visual anthropology at the University Museum of Bergen, Norway. His research has mainly been based on fieldwork in East Africa. As a filmmaker he has worked in several countries. Among his award-winning films are Tama Gaun – the Copper Village (together with Dipesh Kharel), Making Rain (together with Liivo Niglas), Our Courtyard (together with He Yuan Wang), Fish On! (together with Liivo Niglas).
Tretyakov Gallery
Lavrushinsky pereulok, 12
Mahdi Zamanpour Kiasari
Iran, 2016, 63’
It shows the life of a family who lives deep in the forest on their own and do farming and cattle breeding for their living. 25 years ago the father of the family had a spinal cord injury due to an accident and is since nursed by his daughter and wife. Zainab, the daughter of the family has many suitors but her parents can in no way see her marry away.
Mahdi Zamanpour Kiasari was in 1975 . Holds MA in TV production from University of IRIB (Film Directing). He started his career as Director, Writer & Producer since 2004 and has made more than 65 documentaries and TV programs. Among his works are: Waiting for You (2006), Tramping to Heaven (2007), Small Steps in Allah’s Highway (2008), Green Shadows I (2009), Ashoura Ceremonies in Kiasar (2010), Holly Naghib Alavy (2011), Green Shadows II (2011), Moral Interval (2011), 30 years living with 100 verses (2014), Happy Birthday (2013), Mashti Esmaeil (2014).
Tretyakov Gallery
Lavrushinsky pereulok, 12
Nataliya Kharlamova
Russia, 2018, 60’
Following the death of her father, Belekmaa (25) lodges herself in his sheepherdsman’s encampment. She is living through the first grave bereavement in her life and she hopes to see her father at least in her dreams, up to the day when, according to the Tuvan tradition, the spirit of the deceased would be fed and given ultimate send-off.
Nataliya Kharlamova born in 1978 in Moscow. In 2002, graduated from the Moscow State University’s School of Journalism. Student of Alexander Lapin, photographer and photography theorist. Has working experience as photo editor and photo researcher. Since 2009 engaged in her own documentary photo projects. Author of several exhibitions and winner of Russian and international photo contests. In 2017, graduated from the Marina Razbezhkina and Mikhail Ugarov School of Documentary Film and Theater.
Tretyakov Gallery
Lavrushinsky pereulok, 12
With support of French Embassy in Moscow, French Institute in Moscow
Magali Bragard, Séverine Enjolras
France, 2017, 96’
During a summer in Paris and its suburbs, two young directors attempt a remake of Chroniques d’un été, fifty years after the cult film of Rouch and Morin. An offbeat portrait of nowday’s youth, as a mirror image of the 1960s, while questions of the cinéma vérité are revisited with fancy.
Séverine Enjolras and Magali Bragard are both holders of a DEA in visual anthropology obtained in 2003 in Paris 10 – Nanterre, under the direction of Jean Rouch. In 2009 they co-directed a short documentary film, Dombes, on the study and management of a health risk. They are both teachers in documentary cinema, they created and organized
in 2007 and 2008 a festival of films in the West Bank. Séverine Enjolras has also directed several documentaries, institutional films and films around citizen consultation workshops. Magali Bragard, in addition to his work of realization, is also a stage and press photographer.
Festival organizers in 2019:
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
N. N. Miklukho-MaclayInstitute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Informational support: portal